Our Work
Representative engagements
Cost of service study, replacement cost new less depreciation calculation, and business plan
Retained by a mid-sized unregulated electric utility to prepare a comprehensive cost-of-service study providing for updated rates, a replacement cost new less depreciation calculation of certain assets and a detailed business and succession plan for the Board.
AltaLink 2019-2021 General Tariff Application
Retained by the Consumers Coalition of Alberta to review all facets of the application and prepare expert testimony. Assisted with a broad-based negotiated settlement of material elements of the application. Prepared expert testimony on excluded matters including a proposal to begin capitalizing net salvage costs as part of future assets as opposed to collecting those costs over the life of the constructed assets. Efforts included preparation of evidence and responses to interrogatories, coordination with counsel on cross examination, oral testimony, and assistance with various procedural motions and delivery of argument.
New Brunswick Power 2020/21 General Rate Application
Retained by the New Brunswick Energy and Utilities Board to review all facets of the application and prepare expert testimony on specific elements. Efforts included preparation of interrogatories, preparation of evidence and responses to interrogatories, coordination with Board staff and counsel on cross examination, and oral testimony.